Love Learning Languages French and English Resources
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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
Free French School Menu #4
Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class.
It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school.
Free Irregular French Verbs Crossword Puzzle
Want your French students to have some fun when learning irregular French past participles? This NO PREP crossword puzzle is a fun way to shake things up a little. The clues given are past participles, and students fill in the blanks with infinitives. Many times students can guess infinitives just by seeing the past participles, so you can even use this crossword puzzle before teaching the verbs.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French regular -ER verbs present tense sudoku games
Use these sudoku games to practice regular French -ER verbs in the present tense . 2 versions with answer keys are included. Students place a verb in each empty box so that each row, column and nine box square contains each of the verbs.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Here are twelve intermediate - advanced level French dictations to use with your students. Each dictation is a separate audio file. Answer key and translation provided for each dictation.
Sample text:
TITRE: Notre fleuve
TEXTE: TEXTE : Toi et moi, nous habitons le long du même fleuve. C'est ce fleuve qui nous apporte l'eau que nous buvons. Je suis chanceux. L'eau que je bois est filtrée pour la rendre potable. Elle est bonne pour ma santé. Mais si à cause de moi l'eau qui retourne au fleuve est pleine de déchets, toi, tu boiras peut-être une eau polluée. Tu es mon ami, et je veux que tu restes en santé. Pour toi, je ferai attention à notre fleuve.
Causative Faire - French grammar quiz or worksheet
Quiz or worksheet on the French causative faire. There are 12 sentences written in the present tense, passé composé, imperative, futur simple and futur proche. Students fill in the blanks with the correctly conjugated verb in parentheses. Answer key is provided.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
La Famille - French 20 questions game - No prep speaking activity
The game of 20 questions is a fun and effective way to practice forming French questions. This version of the game focuses on 52 nouns and verbs which are all about the family / la famille.
This game work for any level as it is written in French and English. Want a real challenge for your upper levels or immersion students? Use the French only version!
1 version with vocabulary written in French and English
1 version with vocabulary written in French only
Have students work in small groups of 2-4 or project the game and use it as a whole class activity.
This game includes 52 words. Many of the words may be new to your students as this game is meant not only to practice forming questions, but also to build vocabulary. I like to allow my students to look at the game chart while they play until they’re somewhat familiar with the words. After they’ve played the games a few times looking at the French-English version they feel more prepared to move on to the French only version.
One student in the small group or class chooses a word on the chart. Other students ask up to 20 questions trying to guess the secret word.
The student who has chosen the secret word can answer using the following responses: OUI - NON - PARFOIS - RAREMENT - GÉNÉRALEMENT - PEUT-ÊTRE - CELA DÉPEND - PROBABLEMENT
Alternative game play:
To change up the game and to make it more challenging as well as practicing other skills, have the student who chooses the secret word describe it to others in the group. Instead of asking questions about the secret word, other students listen to the description and guess it.
French Demonstrative Adjectives Worksheet or Quiz
This is an exercise on French demonstrative adjectives CE - CET - CETTE - CES that can be used as a practice worksheet or as a quiz. There are 30 fill in the blank sentences that you can print on the front and back of one sheet of paper. Two versions and an answer sheet are included. Check out my demonstrative adjectives bundle and save 20%.
Version 1: Includes helpful hints (number and gender of the noun in question are indicated). Works great as a practice worksheet.
Version 2: No helpful hints are included. Works great as a quiz.
Free French School Menu #3
Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class.
It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school.
French Jeopardy Game: L'imparfait - French Imperfect Tense
You're going to love this powerpoint IMPARFAIT jeopardy game with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY.
This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 15 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY.
This game focuses on conjugating verbs in the imperfect tense. As the categories suggest, there are just as many easy verbs to conjugate as there are difficult ones.
I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing.
This game would be wonderful after having spent time learning the imperfect tense. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 6 categories, a daily double, and a final jeopardy question. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to write to me:
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French jeopardy game: Verbes français en -IR - French -IR verbs
You're going to love this powerpoint -IR VERBS jeopardy game with all the bells and whistles. It even includes music, daily double and final jeopardy questions.
This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 15 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY.
This game focuses on conjugating -IR verbs in the present tense. As the categories suggest, there are just as many easy verbs to conjugate as there are more difficult ones.
Some of the harder questions involve using subjects like QUI - TOUT LE MONDE - MA FAMILLE - MES PARENTS ET MOI - TES AMIS ET TOI.
I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing.
This game would be wonderful after having spent time teaching French -IR verbs. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 6 categories, a daily double, and a final jeopardy question. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to write to me:
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French jeopardy game: Le conditionnel - French conditional tense
You're going to love this powerpoint CONDITIONNEL jeopardy game with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY.
This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 15 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY.
This game focuses on conjugating verbs in the CONDITIONNEL tense. As the categories suggest, there are just as many easy verbs to conjugate as there are difficult ones.
I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing.
This game would be wonderful after having spent time learning the conditional tense. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 6 categories, a daily double, and a final jeopardy question. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to write to me:
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
You're going to love this powerpoint AVOIR JEOPARDY GAME with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY.
This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 20 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY.
Have a look at the AVOIR EXPRESSIONS that are used in this game in the PREVIEW FILE. If your students haven't learned some of them you could give it to them to review before playing or even let them keep it out during the game EXCEPT when it's their turn to play.
I have included detailed directions, rules and tips for game playing.
This game would be wonderful after having spent time learning the verb AVOIR and the expressions that go along with it. Included in the game you'll find lots of idiomatic expressions that are really useful. I've included a list of expressions for students to study before starting the game. I've spent years working out the best way to play this game in a classroom setting, and it works so well that I went into a lot of detail in the instructions. The game includes 5 categories, daily doubles, and final jeopardy. If you have any questions at all about the game, please do feel free to ask.
French Connect 4 Game - Halloween
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to let your students have some fun reviewing the following verbal phrases:
faire peur à
se déguiser en
jouer un tour à
frapper à la porte de
avoir peur de
hanter quelqu’un
sonner à la porte de
hurler sur quelqu’un
In order to win, students connect four boxes by speaking complete sentences using the correctly conjugated forms of the verbal phrases listed at the bottom of the game board (see the vocabulary used above) with 60 different costume ideas on the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Once 4 boxes have been connected, students can check their work using the answer key provided. If a conjugation mistake has been made, play continues until 4 boxes have been correctly connected. Full instructions are included.
One game board
How to play
Answer key
Spanish verb TENER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating TENER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French IR VERBS - FUTUR SIMPLE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating FRENCH IR VERBS in the FUTUR SIMPLE in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French verb ÊTRE - FUTUR SIMPLE TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating ÊTRE in the FUTUR SIMPLE in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb SER - PRESENT TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating SER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French Verb Avoir Present Tense Unit - 4 Printable Worksheets
This present tense unit on the verb avoir in the present tense includes four worksheets with answer keys. Conjugating and using this important French verb takes a lot of practice, and this resource provides many different ways to do that.
4 Worksheets:
Conjugate and fill in the blanks in sentences
Differentiate between the verbs avoir and être in the present tense
Fill in the blanks using avoir in two texts
Write 9 original sentences using avoir in the present tense
Conjugate Vendre - Present Tense French Conjugation Board Game
This French board game for conjugating vendre in the present tense includes 37 numbered boxes. The first player to reach box 37 wins. There are a few tricks along the way, so getting to the end isn’t always so easy! Some boxes require students to conjugate the verb using the provided subject pronoun, and others require them to name the subject pronoun that matches the verb conjugation. Lots of repetition will really help them to memorize this very important verb!
In groups of two to four, players take turns rolling a die to move their pieces forward. Spaces are numbered to keep track of which way they’re moving. There are some spaces with special instructions:
Départ - Start
Avance de 5 cases - Move forward 5 spaces
Recule de 5 cases - Move backward 5 spaces
Rejoue - Play again
Tu perds ton tour - Lose a turn
Fin - End
For an extra challenge and to extend playing time, you can tell your students that they have to land directly on the last square and answer it correctly to win.
This resource includes the following:
➯ 1 page printable game board
Not included:
➯ 1 die per group
➯ Game tokens, 1 per player
TIC-TAC-TOE Irregular Futur Simple French Conjugation Games - BUNDLE - No Prep Printables
Tic Tac Toe is a fun game that your students already know how to play, and it is a simple way to get them conjugating and pronouncing verbs with irregular stems in the futur simple. This bundle saves you 50%. You may also enjoy my set of futur simple board games.
Students play in pairs, conjugating verbs so that they agree with the subject pronoun in each box, saying answers aloud to claim squares on tic tac toe grids. Three correctly conjugated verbs in a row wins the game.
Each one page worksheet has 6 different games, and they work very well as 10 - 15 minute partner or station activities. Tic tac toe games are a terrific way to get in quick, fun, and easy reviews!
This bundle includes 16 tic-tac-toe game worksheets for the following 16 verbs, which are also sold separately: